Lions Club of Jamnagar (Main) celebrated the 78th Independence Day in a grand manner with 60 male and female students of Kumar Mandir at Lions Hall today on Thursday 15/08/2024, the flag was hoisted by the President of our club Shri Ln.Sureshchandra Radia in this celebration. IPP Ln. Govindbhai Morzaria, Ln. Chetan Lathia, Ln. Rajendra Raiwadera (ZC), Ln. Satishbhai Bhatt, Ln. Arvindbhai Zaveri, Ln. Nitinbhai Gajjar, Ln. Himanshu Jani, Ln. Dhirendrabhai Pathak, Ln. Nishaben Pujani participated, Everyone enjoyed breakfast and tea together with male and female students as the project served by project chairman Ln.Satishbhai Bhatt Project Sponsored by MJF Ln. Sureshchandra Radia MJF La. Sureshchandra Radia (President), L. Chetan Lathia (Secretary), Lions Club of Jamnagar (Main)
Benefited People | 60 |
Raised Of Amount | 0 |
Donated Of Amount | 1850 |